Evil Bunny Studios
This website was created as part of the Evil Bunny Studios branding project. It was created from the ground up using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. As this was part of my personal branding project, I had free reign to make it exactly how I wanted. I wanted to continue with the minimalist theme that I had established with the brand identity and one of the biggest concerns for me was to make sure the website was clean, pleasing to the eye, and easy to navigate. Since this is meant to be a portfolio website, I wanted it to showcase all of my applicable skills. These included: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and its implementation, branding, photography, image manipulations, image retouching, video creation, and secure contact forms. The colored circles are a theme that I wanted to keep, but also did not want to overshadow anything so I used them as links to my various social media accounts. The fonts used for this website were Josefin Sans Regular and Bold.